Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Download Wiley The Web Aplication HACKER's e-Book

Download Wiley The Web Aplication HACKER's e-Book
Introduction This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in web applications. By “web application” we mean an application that is accessed by using a web browser to communicate with a web server. We examine a wide variety of different technologies, such as databases, file systems, and web services, but only in the context in which these are employed by web applications.If you want to learn how to run port scans, attack firewalls, or break into servers in other ways, we suggest you look elsewhere. But if you want to know how to hack into a web application, steal sensitive data, and perform unauthorized actions, then this is the book for you. There is enough that is interesting and fun to say on that subject without straying into any other territory.

Menjadi seorang hacker dalam dunia Maya bisa mudah juga bisa sulit. Tetapi semua selalu ada aturan yang menjadi pegangan untuk melakukan segala sesuatu. Nach saya memiliki beberapa buku yang telah beredar dan menjadi pegangan seorang hacker. Nach ini dia yang pertama dan yang paling terkenal di kalangan para hacker. Enjoy it…

Download Link : Wiley The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook
Password : ludefa_blog

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